Greetings, everyone. And welcome to summer. (Almost.) I hope this will be a time for you to relax, recharge, and reconnect with creation.
Once again this summer, we will be sharing services with the other United Church congregations in our area. From July 3 through Labour Day, September 4, there will be no service at Lakeshore Trinity (with one exception), but we will be attending services at eight other United Church congregations. Services will be onsite – live and in person again! – and also available online.
This year we have created a new website that is easy to access and gives you all the information that you’ll need to attend these services. It includes the schedule letting you know which church is hosting on each Sunday, and gives directions to those places. There is also a simple “click here” instruction for those who want to join the service online.
We will have details on how to access that website in next week’s Happenings.
Please note that all of these summer services will be held at 10:30 a.m.
Lakeshore Trinity is hosting the service on August 14th. Other congregations participating are Riverside (Rosemere), Beaconsfield, Ste. Genevieve, Valois, Roxboro, Summerlea (Lachine), Cedar Park, and Merging Waters (Beaurepaire).
This is an exciting way to connect with our community, and get to know other local United Church congregations and ministers. I hope you’ll be able to join us, onsite or online.
And… please note that I will be away on holidays for the month of July. And the office will be closed during July.
Rev. Steve

SUNDAY, JUNE 19, 2022
Prelude: Meditation on VU#664 “What a Friend” – D. Sheets
Call to Worship & Lighting of Christ Candle
Sung Response: VU#381 ”Spirit of Life”
Opening Prayer
Hymn: VU#410 “This Day God Gives Me”
Scripture: 1 Kings 19:1-15a
Reflection: Gentle Whisper
Hymn: VU#374 “Come and Find the Quiet Centre”
Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer: (VU#959)
Offering, Sung Dedication: VU#540 “Grant Us, God, the Grace”
Our Statement of Faith: VU#918
Hymn: VU#278 “In the Quiet Curve of Evening”
Commissioning and Benediction
Choral Amen: VU#974
Postlude: Fugue in A minor – J.S. Bach

You may also join the service via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 719 779 7321, Passcode: 442730
Or by phone at: 438-809-779

June: National Indigenous History Month
June 21: National Indigenous Day

This is a time for all Canadians to reflect on the histories, cultures, contributions, and strengths of the First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples of this land, which is named after indigenous creation stories, Turtle Island.
– The United Church of Canada has been dedicated since the 1970’s to creating viable Indigenous Ministries, and taking responsibility for our participation in assimilation/Residential Schools projects, culminating in two Apologies. As part of living out these apologies, the UCC gave major support to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, one of whose Commissioners is a UCC member, Marie Wilson.
– The first United Church of Canada Crest of 1944 illustrated the hopes of Union for the good of Church and Canadian society. In 1980, the Francophone communities were recognized with the addition of the UCC name in French. And in 2012, the motto was added in Mohawk: AKWE NIA’TETEWA:NERON All My Relations. That all may be one.
– We have engaged in training in indigenous ministries with two schools which have now combined to form the Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre in Manitoba.
– A Healing Fund was set up after the Residential Schools Apology to fund community-developed projects for trauma healing, and cultural and language restoration.
– We support May 5, Red Dress Day, to honour and take action on behalf of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls, and their families. Similar actions take place on September 30, Orange Shirt Day, in memory of those children of the residential Schools, survivors, and those who died, not remembered or acknowledged. Every Child Matters.
– In the prayers for Reconciliation and Partnership and approved by General Council in 2018, Elders and Caretakers of the Indigenous communities of faith across Canada issued The Calls To The Church, pointing to many actions that will heal our relationships.

The evolution of our common ministry towards reconciliation continues with future support from us.
We are all treaty people after all, covenanted in the variety of Peace and Friendship Treaties since early contact, and also the Federal treaties of history. We live under these promises, just as we do the sacramental promises we make in our lives of faith. As shown above, there are many themes and topics we can take on, for understanding and mutual support. The journey has begun and our community of LTUC can decide where to proceed in the months to come. By understanding our past, we can hope to build a better future.
Maureen Scott Kabwe
Church in the World Committee

Zoom coffee will meet one more time before the summer. All are welcome. Wednesday morning June 22, 10:00AM.
Happy Birthday to faithful member of the coffee gang, Judy Lindsay, who will be 87 tomorrow!

Meeting ID: 719 779 7321, Passcode: 442730 or by phone at: 438-809-7799.

Next week (June 23) will be our last regular Announcement Posting before we pause for the summer.
We wish everyone happy, safe and blessed holidays!

The email address for e-transfer is: Please include your envelope number and indicate how you wish to have your offering divided. If not indicated, it will be designated as local offering.
Cheques should be made payable to Lakeshore Trinity United Church. They may be dropped in the mail slot at the church or sent by regular mail if you are not attending church in person.

Rev. Steve Gillam can be reached by phone or text at 514-235-9383 or by email at
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora Ave. Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 3G7
Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday, 9:00AM to NOON
On Facebook at:


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Lakeshore Trinity United Church - 2022

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