LTUC Outreach

Meals On Wheels (MOW)

Meals on Wheels originated during World War II when the Women’s Volunteer Service for Civil Defence began preparing and delivering meals to military personnel. The concept spread across North America and by 1969 the program was introduced to the West Island. LTUC is one in a network of 13 kitchens with over 800 volunteers, many from LTUC, serving over 50,000 meals annually.  SJUC prepares meals Tuesday and Thursday at a cost of $4.00 per meal to the recipient. An average of 50 meals each week are prepared from our kitchen.  In addition, each holiday season MoW prepares a Christmas meal for each client at the same cost as its regular meals.

Christmas Baskets

Christmas Baskets are prepared by LTUC volunteers. In 2013, thirteen (13) baskets valued at more than $200 each were distributed.

Montreal City Mission (MCM)

LTUC proudly supports  and works with the Montreal City Mission, an open, diverse, inclusive and interfaith community of risk takers which advocates and empowers “from the edge” to those most vulnerable in society.

MCM values being a community without borders, a mission without walls…
Nurturing talents and gifts, MCM makes connections through outreach to the wider community by means of its programs and partnerships.

The MCM values social and global justice…
MCM advocates and uses its individual and collective energy, ability, compassion and will to effect change and to adapt to future needs as in “making a difference” and connecting across barriers.

The MCM values empowerment and collegiality…
MCM challenges itself and others and is willing and committed to assisting others in creating a compassionate, empathetic and safe environment.

MCM values inclusivity, harmony, honesty and respect in our relationships…
We work towards widening the circle of inclusivity and diversity to serve, to act and to love and to be in right relationship with each other.

More information about the Montreal City Mission can be found on its website:

St. Columba House

Saint Columba House is a community ministry of The United Church of Canada situated in Point Saint Charles…

Point Saint Charles is a low-income neighbourhood with a rich history of innovative community organizing, much of which involved or was led by Saint Columba House. Saint Columba House continues to provide leadership within the community, seeking to promote empowerment and involvement of local citizens in actions and campaigns that directly affect their lives. As the community currently faces serious housing, economic and environmental problems, Saint Columba House strives to help residents have a voice in the future development of this vibrant neighbourhood, as well as within the wider society.

Saint Columba House offers a wide range of programs in which education and community participation have high priority.

As a community ministry of The United Church of Canada, Saint Columba House adheres to a theology of Liberation, helping people to find meaning in their lives, to challenge structures that disempower, and to fight against oppression.

Saint Columba House provides opportunities for community residents, volunteers, students and church members to get involved in a meaningful and fulfilling way with its mission.

Visit their website:

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