Greetings, everyone.

Recently, the Worship Committee re-examined our policy concerning protection against COVID. There have been so many changes. Government restrictions have been lifted, and congregations are left to make their own decisions. We have decided to leave it up to you. You know what feels best for you. We support wearing masks inside while moving around, and perhaps it is a good idea to wear them while singing, but if you are comfortable not wearing a mask, we also support that. We will start standing to sing again (but, of course, you have the option to remain seated), and starting this Sunday we’ll be passing the offering plate again.

I realize that sounds a bit vague, and perhaps I didn’t answer questions you might have. (And I’m not even running for office!) But really, it comes down to respect. Respecting both those who wear masks and those who are now comfortable not wearing them. Which got me thinking this week about respect. (Cue Aretha Franklin…) And that got me thinking about Jesus’ teaching in Matthew. You know, the “do unto others” verse that we call the Golden Rule. “Therefore, you should treat people in the same way that you want people to treat you; this is the Law and the Prophets.” Wise words. So much so, that pretty much every culture throughout history, religious and secular, has shared the same wisdom.

Here are some examples: Lay not on any soul a load that you would not wish to be laid upon you, and desire not for anyone the things you would not desire for yourself (Baha-i faith). Treat not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful (Buddhism).

One word which sums up the basis of all good conduct….loving-kindness. Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself (Confucianism). This is the sum of duty: do not do to others what would cause pain if done to you (Hinduism). Not one of you truly believes until you wish for others what you wish for yourself (Islam). One should treat all creatures in the world as one would like to be treated (Jainism). What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. This is the whole Torah; all the rest is commentary. Go and learn it (Judaism).

And we will continue to live it.

Rev. Steve



Welcome and announcements
Gathering Music
Spiritual Focus, Worship Song
Together in Christ’s Name
Sung Response: VU#381 “Spirit of Life”
Opening Prayer
Hymn: VU#242 “Let All Things Now Living”
Scripture: Luke 16:1-13
Musical Offering
Reflection: Reclaiming stewardship
Hymn: MV#135 “Called By Earth and Sky”
Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer VU#959
Offering, Sung Dedication: MV#191 “What Can I Do?”
Our Statement of Faith
Hymn: VU#409 “Morning Has Broken”
Commissioning and Benediction
Choral Amen

You may also join the service via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 719 779 7321, Passcode: 442730
Or by phone at: 438-809-779



Stay on after the service this week for our fall tradition of corn and apple picnic lunch. Rain is forecast for Sunday, and so we will be moving the event into the South Wing. We will arrange small tables to allow for generous spacing. For those not comfortable with the indoor setting, a picnic take-away option will be provided.
Suggested donation: $5.00



In the next few weeks, Rev. Steve will be exploring the theme of creation, reconnecting with the world around us, looking at our responsibilities as stewards of God’s creation, and rejoicing in the wonder of it all.

In keeping with this, we will try to go without printed bulletins for the month of September. We greatly appreciate the efforts of Mafety Magas, who makes this possible by projecting the bulletin from his computer onto the screen at the front of the church. Thanks Maf!




Doris McConnell reminds us that the food banks are always in need, and your donations much appreciated. The collection boxes at the church are ready for your contributions.


Elections Quebec will be using our building as a polling station for the fall election. Advance polling will be held in the South Wing on September 25th and 26th. Our service will proceed as usual. Those who live in the riding may wish to come prepared to vote following the service on September 25th.



The email address for e-transfer is: Please include your envelope number and indicate how you wish to have your offering divided. If not indicated, it will be designated as local offering.

Cheques should be made payable to Lakeshore Trinity United Church. They may be dropped in the mail slot at the church or sent by regular mail if you are not attending church in person.


Rev. Steve Gillam can be reached by phone or text at 514-235-9383 or by email at
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora Ave. Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 3G7
The church office is open Tuesday to Friday mornings from 9 AM to noon.
On Facebook at:

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Lakeshore Trinity United Church - 2022

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