Happy Thanksgiving! Ah, Thanksgiving. For some of us, it is about gathering with family and friends, or favourite food shared (like turkey, squash and lentil casserole, or a big piece of pie – would you like apple or pumpkin!). Maybe it’s time to dig out your rust-coloured heavy knit sweater and plaid scarf and go for a walk or a drive to enjoy the colours. For some, it’s the perfect time to express our gratitude by volunteering and helping others. And, let’s not forget gathering with our faith family for a Thanksgiving Sunday service!
I hope that you will make a special effort to find ways to express gratitude this year. We’ve gone through a difficult time, and it’s important to remember that we have much to be thankful for. With everything going on in our lives and in our world, sometimes it’s hard to maintain our identity as God’s Beloved when we feel more like God’s Befuddled. And that’s when giving thanks, expressing our gratitude, makes a big difference. The Good Book teaches us: “In every thing give thanks” (1 Thessalonians 5:18). It doesn’t say to give thanks for everything, because there is a whole bunch of stuff for which we are not grateful. But we’re called to give thanks, to live gratitude, in all things. In every encounter with another, in every celebration, in every trying moment, we find a way to give thanks to God. For there is nothing that we face alone. God is right there. The good, the bad, the everything in between. There for us. With us. So, we give thanks.
And living that sense of thanksgiving changes our lives. It gives us perspective. I have been blessed to have had many conversations with people who have been facing all kinds of struggles. And more often than not, they speak to me about all the things for which they are grateful: people who rise above and beyond with acts of kindness, strangers who offer help and gentle words, strength found/given to greet each day with hope; a perspective that effects their lives and the lives of those around them.
This year, take time to give thanks. Dare I say, live with an attitude of gratitude. Sorry, that sounds like a sentimental greeting card, but I believe it. Live an attitude of gratitude. You’ll notice a difference in your living. Maybe as you gather around the table with family and friends, you can encourage everyone to express their thanks. And sure, there will be groans over what some will see as a corny tradition… but it’s important to nurture an understanding of gratitude. So, be grateful. For even one little thing. Maybe when you wake up each day, or before you go to sleep each night, you can take a moment to find three things that make you thankful.
German theologian, teacher, and mystic Meister Eckhart once said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.”
And so, I thank God for you all. We’ve been through a lot of changes this year. Yet, you continue to inspire me and teach me. I am grateful for your love and support, and for your gracious caring presence in our community. May God continue to bless us with all good things.
Rev. Steve
Welcome and announcements
Gathering Music
Spiritual Focus
Worship Song: VU#516 “Come You Thankful People, Come”
Opening Prayer
Hymn: VU#519 “Sing to the Lord of Harvest”
Scripture: Deuteronomy 26:1-11
Reflection: Moving out of our selves.
Hymn: MV#154 “Deep in our Hearts”
Prayers of Thanksgiving and Consecration
The Lord’s Prayer: VU#959
Offering, Sung Dedication: VU#541
Our Statement of Faith
Hymn: VU#227 “For the Fruit of All Creation”
Commissioning and Benediction:
Choral Amen: VU#967 Danish Amen
You may also join the service via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 719 779 7321, Passcode: 442730
Or by phone at: 438-809-779
Here is the link to the service on October 2nd:
On this Thanksgiving morning, we welcome Dr. Gohar Manvelyan to the piano bench. Dr. Manvelyan is the regular pianist for our sister congregation of St. Edward the Confessor. She is filling in this morning for Dr. Jan Krejcar, who is on a long-planned trip to Alberta to spend the Thanksgiving weekend with his extended family. Thank you, Dr. Manvelyan!
In this joyful time of Thanksgiving, it is especially fitting that we remember those who struggle to put holiday dinner on the table. Collection bins are at the church for West Island Food Banks, Dorval Community Aid and Saint Columba House. Let us share the feast!
News from Rev. Steve about the Jingle Bell Bazaar!
Recently, our Council of Ministries decided to test the waters and see how many of you felt comfortable with the idea of gathering this year to work at our Annual (not counting the last two years) Christmas Bazaar. And your response was very positive. So…
On Saturday, November 19th, we will hold a Jingle Bell Bazaar (the name is a work in progress!). It will be much like it has been in the past: we (Lakeshore Trinity) will hold a sale, and our friends from St. Edward’s will put on a lunch. There will be more information shared (lots more!) in the following weeks. But for now, we’d like you to think about how you can help.
There will be tables of Christmas-themed knick-knacks, decorations, dishes, etc., as well as some other small giftable treasures. Upstairs will be our second-hand clothing boutique, and the sanctuary will become our book sale room. The smaller end of the south wing hall will be a place for baked goods, pickles, crafts, etc. Please start thinking about things that you might have to donate for the sale… anything for any of the above tables.
We’re also looking for someone to coordinate the bake table… organize the gathering, packaging, pricing, and selling of goodies baked by members of our congregation.
You are welcome to start bringing in your treasures anytime. Sundays, or weekday mornings. For more information, call the office (514-697-6459) or email:
Last Sunday after church, we bought all of Morgan Bird’s tasty Girl Guide cookies. The good news is, she’s coming back this week with more! Morgan’s mom, Tracy Carpenter, says that you may order ahead if you wish, (Phone: 514-713-9416 after 7:00PM, or text. Email: or just wait until Sunday. Cost is $5.00 per box.
Eight dogs and cats gathered with their families on the church lawn last week for the Blessing of the Pets. Rev. Steve Gillam and Fr. Mike Shaw bestowed a blessing on each pet, in celebration of the blessing and joy that these animals bring to our lives, and in recognition of the world of nature as part of God’s wondrous creation.
The dogs were delighted, the cats perhaps less so, but harmony prevailed.
Thanks to Michelle Simpson, from St. Ed’s for the photo.
The email address for e-transfer is: Please include your envelope number and indicate how you wish to have your offering divided. If not indicated, it will be designated as local offering.
Cheques should be made payable to Lakeshore Trinity United Church. They may be dropped in the mail slot at the church or sent by regular mail if you are not attending church in person.
Rev. Steve Gillam can be reached by phone or text at 514-235-9383 or by email at
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora Ave. Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 3G7
The church office is open Tuesday to Friday mornings from 9 AM to noon.
On Facebook at: