Sunday, May 28, 2023
10:30 A.M.
Beaconsfield United Church
202 Woodside Rd, Beaconsfield, Quebec H9W 2P1
We will gather this Sunday at Beaconsfield United to celebrate Pentecost with our fellow congregations of the West Island Riverside Cluster. This will be a service of music, message, communion, and spirit, as we recall the Holy Spirit moving through the early group of Jesus’ followers, stirring them into action as the church.
Anyone is welcome to join the pick-up choir, which will meet at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday at Beaconsfield, to practise a simple anthem.
In celebration of the crowds on Pentecost hearing the disciples pray in many different languages, we are invited to come prepared to say The Lord’s Prayer in any language of our choice.
Please feel welcome to wear the colours of flame as we celebrate Pentecost, and the fire of the Holy Spirit blowing through us all.
An offering will be received. Any marked offering envelopes will be returned to the church to which they belong. Loose offering will be given to the UCC’s Mission and Service Fund.
Remember: 10:30 a.m.!
If you are unable to attend the service in person, you may join us on zoom at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82258444385?pwd=NlJuUDIvWlpZdHp3a2tIc2E0d2NqZz09
Meeting ID: 822 5844 4385
Passcode: 848992
or by phone at 438-809-7799
We are all invited to stay at Beaconsfield United after the service for a traditional Nigerian lunch. Sounds delicious! Suggested donation is $15.
Please note: There will be no service at Lakeshore Trinity on May 28th.
We’ll all be at Beaconsfield!
The Lakeshore Trinity service from May 21st is available to view at: https://youtu.be/6YxLjGLqFTk
The email address for e-transfer is: ltuc98givings@gmail.com. Please include your envelope number and indicate how you wish to have your offering divided. If not indicated, it will be designated as local offering.
Cheques should be made payable to Lakeshore Trinity United Church. They may be dropped in the mail slot at the church or sent by regular mail if you are not attending church in person.
Rev. Steve Gillam can be reached by phone or text at 514-235-9383 or by email at macduffsdad@hotmail.com.
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora Ave. Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 3G7
The church office is open Tuesday to Friday mornings from 9 AM to noon.
email: lakeshoretrinityunited@gmail.com
On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Lakeshore-Trinity-United-Church-101331995747334