Rev. Steve Gillam

Summer greetings, everyone!

Wednesday, June 21st, marked the beginning of summer. Hurray and hallelujah! Take a moment to thank the Creator for the wonder of creation and the beauty of seasons. No… don’t start thinking that it’s too hot, there are too many bugs, etc… I’m not suggesting that summer has to be your favourite season, just give thanks. Let a little gratitude into your life. Take a deep breath. Find a moment of peace.

In fact, that’s what I want to share with you. Relax a bit. It occurred to me that July is the seventh month. Okay, I knew that already. But I was thinking about the Sabbath being the seventh day. A day of rest. Perhaps, we can think of July as a time of rest. A Sabbath month. Don’t give up on me now! Maybe a whole month of rest sounds like an impossibility, but how about taking time this coming month to take some intentional sabbath time.

The idea of sabbath has deep roots in our faith. It’s in the first sacred story in Genesis. God creates in six days, then takes the seventh as a day of rest. The list of commandments – the ten most important things to do – includes the importance of remembering the sabbath and keeping it holy. Being intentional about it. Honouring and celebrating the need to rest.

Sabbath is a gift from God. It is a time for us to remember that God is doing the God stuff. (He’s got the whole world in his hands! Everybody sing!) God is creator, redeemer, sustainer. We don’t have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders. On the list of the ten most important things to do, the words “worry”, “stress”, “try being God and keep everything in your control” do not appear. Rest… remembering the sabbath… does.

And we’re not just talking about a day here. It’s what we do with that time. Intentionally remembering, and keeping it holy by reconnecting with God and with ourselves. Honouring our spirit. And that can happen anytime. Even a little bit every day.

You know how when you’re on a plane and the flight attendant reminds you that in the case of an emergency oxygen masks will drop in front of you? You are instructed to put your own mask on first before helping someone else. Every time I hear that, a little voice in my head yells “NO!” That’s not right! If you are a parent, a spouse, a caregiver, a good neighbour or friend, or even just a human being trying to live life the best way you know how… it feels wrong. But, we know that we are of no use to anyone else if we don’t take care of ourselves and make sure that we are fit to serve, to help, to love.

So… take some sabbath time. And make it intentional. Many of our Jewish siblings set aside sacred time each week to honour the sabbath. They light a candle, say a prayer, sing, and share a meal. Our Christian tradition moved the idea of sabbath to Sunday in order to honour the resurrection. And a time of rest on Sunday was easy when attending Church services was something everyone did, and we gathered with loved ones for Sunday dinner, and stores weren’t open making it feel like just any other day. Listen, I’m not saying we need to go back to the way things were… but we do need to remember what we lost as the world changed. Sabbath. Rest. Connecting.

Use this beautiful summertime to rediscover the beauty and strength of sabbath.

I’m not going to give you a list of suggestions. You could also go online and find lots of helpful hints on how to take sabbath time. But I know that not all of you will be ready for something that appears like another list of things you have to do. That might just mean more stress. Don’t tell me to go for a walk – I have mobility issues. Sure, I’d love to spend time in the garden, but I live on the 9th floor. Good for you, you’re floating on an inner tube in the lake; I’m working a 12-hour shift. But the point of sabbath is not that the time is already set aside and if we do these three magical things life will be better. It’s about making the effort to carve that time out of our busy lives and making it a priority. As much of a priority as putting on your own oxygen mask if it feels like the plane is going down. The result will be a “you” that is able to be more present for those around you.

Please, find those moments, whatever they may be for you. I said I wouldn’t give you a list of ideas, but I do have two suggestions. Sure, take time to appreciate the people around you, as well as the beauty of creation. Unplug and let yourself be fully present in the moment. Do something fun you haven’t done in years. But, here are two ideas from your minister…

Pray. I’m sure you do regularly. But often in our busy lives we squeeze in a quick prayer asking for God’s help. Help for others. Help for some pretty big things. And God is always there for us and with us. Those prayers, however, may start to sound like a “honey-do” list. How about just taking quiet time and let your prayer be the other side of the conversation. The listening part. A meditation time. Just you and God. Maybe thinking of one word will help you focus. A word like love, or peace, or hope, or thanks. Let the Spirit find you and whisper in your ear.

Read the Bible. (You expected that from your minister, didn’t you!) Really. It’s called the good book for a reason. If the only copy you have is a dusty King James Version that sounds beautiful when someone else reads it but it’s hard to understand… go online to Biblegateway. You can find any Bible text in almost any translation. And don’t know where to start? Try the book of Psalms.

Let’s wrap-up with something from Psalms. The familiar, wise, and beautiful 23rd Psalm. The Shepherd restores my soul. I am led to still waters that allow me to drink safely. There is no danger. And I am fed in green pastures where everything is good and my body and soul are nourished. Just sit with that for a while.

I’m off for the month of July. I’ll be one of those people floating in a lake somewhere, or sitting on the dock letting gratitude wash over me. I also get to go out to Penticton and visit my baby brother for a week. Although he keeps reminding me that he’s 59 and not a baby, but still… You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Enjoy worshipping and gathering with our West Island UCC siblings. And I’ll see you in August. (Well, I’ll see you this Sunday of course!)

Blessings, love, and peace.
Rev. Steve


Sunday, June 25, 2023
11:00 A.M.

Worship Song: VU#381 “Spirit of Life”
VU#232: “Joyful, Joyful We Adore You”
Sacrament of Baptism: Rylan Forbes Blaise
VU#444: “Child of Blessing, Child of Promise”
Scripture: Matthew 10:26-39
Reflection: “Our Home on Native Land”
MV#37: “Each Blade of Grass”
Sung Dedication: VU#227 “For the Fruit of All Creation”
VU#248: “When Long Before Time”
National Anthem: VU#524 “O Canada”

You may join the service via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 719 779 7321, Passcode: 442730
Or by phone at: 438-809-7799


This Sunday, June 25, with great joy, we welcome by baptism, Rylan Forbes Blaise, son of Bethan Wardrop and Trenton Blaise. Rylan is already a dearly beloved member of our community of faith here at Lakeshore Trinity. Many of us have enjoyed the singular pleasure of cradling him in our arms. We have known his mother, Bethan, since she was a wee tyke with sparkling eyes, newly arrived from Scotland with her parents Fiona and Forbes Wardrop. We know well his uncles, Matthew and Aidan Wardrop. His proud great-grandfather, Sandy Duff, will be joining us on Sunday morning via Zoom from his home in Dundee, Scotland. And we are delighted to be getting to know his father, Trenton, and to welcome the Blaise family to the celebration.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you.
May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
and give you peace.


This week we say farewell to Dr. Jan Krejcar as our Interim Director of Music. Jan initially came to St. John’s as Director of Music in 2005, when he was beginning his Doctorate in Piano Performance at McGill. He remained for 14 years of happy association. In 2019, he left in order to devote more time to his career in piano performance, and his many other pursuits. We greatly appreciate his willingness to return for this past year at Lakeshore Trinity.

We will miss Jan. His superb music and his expansive knowledge, his engaging and gracious leadership have been tremendous gift to us all. We wish him well, wherever his many interests may lead him.

Farewell, Jan, and thanks for all the music!


All are invited to stay following the service on Sunday, June 25, for a light lunch, for a chance to greet Rylan and his friends and family, and to wish Jan well.

We will take the sage advice of Rev. Steve, to let gratitude wash over us, gratitude for the blessings of new life, family, music, good friends, and our community of faith.

May God bless us, every one!


This year, Lynn Coghlin marks 50 faithful years as a member of the choir! Lynn’s beautiful tenor voice is sweet and strong, gentle and joyful, just like Lynn himself. Thanks for all those musical years, Lynn! May there be many more to come.


Once again this summer, we will be joining for worship with our fellow congregations of the West Island and Riverside Cluster. The worship schedule and addresses are listed below. You will find updated information and weekly zoom links to the worship services on the Cluster website at:
We will be back to Lakeshore Trinity on Sunday, September 10, at 11:00 a.m.


All Services at 10:30 a.m.
July 2
Cedar Park United Church
204 Lakeview Ave, Pointe-Claire, QC H9S 4C5
July 9
St. Genevieve United Church
4697 Boul. Saint-Jean, Dollard-des-Ormeaux, QC H9H 2A7
July 16
Beaconsfield United Church
202 Woodside Rd, Beaconsfield, QC H9W 2P1
July 23
Riverside United Church
200 Chem. de la Grande-Côte, Rosemère, QC J7A 1H4
July 30
Valois United Church
70 Belmont Ave, Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 2N5
August 6
Roxboro United Church
116 Rue Cartier, Roxboro, QC H8Y 1G8
August 13
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora, Pointe Claire, QC  H9R 3G7
August 20
Beaconsfield United Church
202 Woodside Rd, Beaconsfield, QC H9W 2P1
August 27
Summerlea United Church
225 50e Avenue, Lachine, QC H8T 2T7
Sept. 3
Merging Waters United Church
24 Maple Ste. Anne de Bellevue QC H9X 2E6
The office at Lakeshore Trinity will be closed for the month of July, until Tuesday, August 9th.


Food insecurity continues through the summer months and food banks struggle to meet the needs. Access to our food collection bins during the summer will be limited, but the church will be open Sunday mornings between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. for the regular mass at St. Edward the Confessor. Doris McConnell has offered to monitor the food collection bins and arrange for deliveries to the food banks as necessary. Alternatively, you may take your food donations directly to the food banks.

West Island Mission: 219 Labrosse, Pointe Claire QC H9R 1A3, (514) 912-6813
On Rock: 9554 Boul. Gouin O, Pierrefonds, QC H9H 1R3, (514) 696-1905
Dorval Community Aid: 1335 Chem. du Bord-du-Lac-Lakeshore, Dorval, QC H9S 2E5, (514) 619-1477
Saint Columba House: 2365 Rue Grand Trunk, Montréal, QC H3K 1M8, (514) 932-6202


PAR and e-transfer offerings may continue as usual. The email address for e-transfer is:

During the shared summer services, marked offering envelopes will be returned to the church where they belong. Please include your envelope number and indicate how you wish to have your offering divided. If not indicated, it will be designated as local offering. Cheques should be made payable to Lakeshore Trinity United Church.

The mail slot at Lakeshore Trinity will be monitored while the church office is closed. If you are not attending services in person, you may drop your cheque in the mail slot or send it by regular mail.


Rev. Steve Gillam can be reached by phone or text at 514-235-9383 or by email at
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora Ave. Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 3G7
The church office will be closed for the month of July, and will re-open on Tuesday, August 9th.
On Facebook at:


Regular weekly Announcements will be taking a break for the summer. We’ll be back to regular weekly postings in September.

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Lakeshore Trinity United Church - 2022

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