Rev. Steve Gillam
As I write this, it is late Monday evening, Labour Day. At the close of a gorgeous day, I decided to take an 8:20 p.m. swim in the lake. Awesome. The sun had just set, and no one else was in the lake. Just me, the fish, and one loon. (I’ll pause for a moment for those of you who are chuckling thinking that, with me, there were two loons!) After some cool weather, the sun had warmed the lake again. In the water, I offered a quiet prayer of gratitude for the beauty and peacefulness.
I then started to connect that flow of gratitude with the special day, and started thinking of all those who labour for, with, and around us. Historically, Labour Day has been a time to honour and recognize labourers, and to work for the protection of their rights. I said another prayer of thanks for people I was thinking about, even if I don’t know their names. (A silent prayer, so I didn’t get a mouthful of water.)
So, I thought, this is a good time to encourage you to express gratitude for those who labour. Offer a prayer of thanks, and think of sharing that thanks in person with someone. I’ve often said that a personal pet peeve of mine is watching people go through a transaction at the store check-out without ever looking at the cashier or acknowledging the existence of this other human being. Or people who couldn’t pick out their restaurant servers from a line-up because they never looked up. Just make eye-contact and say thanks.
Especially in light of what we’ve gone through in the past three years; think of everyone who continued working to keep our lives as normal as possible. Health care workers, of course, but also those who worked to continue food supply and other services. Sanitation workers, drivers, community service people, educators, custodians, technicians, factory and construction workers, and more. Thanks.
And, of course, we remember the labourers who volunteer their time. People like Jane and Dale and Happenings contributors who keep us connected; teams of volunteers with groups like Meals on Wheels; the great people who keep our LTUC faith family going; and many others. Thanks.
Say thanks and acknowledge labourers, all two-legged, four-legged, wheeling, flying creatures of God. In the name of the Christ, carpenter, healer, teacher, servant.
Rev. Steve
Sunday, September 10, 2023
11:00 A.M.
Worship Song: VU#381 “Spirit of Life”
MV#135 “Called By Earth and Sky”
VU#291 “All Things Bright and Beautiful”
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:4-13
Reflection: Dendrochronology
VU#644 “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry”
Prayers and The Lord’s Prayer (VU959)
Sung Dedication: Tune “Edelweiss”
VU#307 “Touch the Earth Lightly”
You may join the service via Zoom at:
Meeting ID: 719 779 7321, Passcode: 442730
Or by phone at: 438-809-7799
We are back home again! This Sunday, September 10, at 11:00 A.M. will be our first service back at Lakeshore Trinity after our summer of combined cluster services. Welcome back, everyone!
Saturday, September 9th, 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon: The famed Balcony Boutique opens for a new season. BJ Bell reports that the Boutique has a fresh supply of donated clothing. There are jeans for all shapes and sizes, lots of boots and shoes, baby clothes by the box, and a special bonus; Hallowe’en costumes!
Coffee and goodies and conversation will be on offer downstairs, along with a fine selection of gently used books.
Come one, come all!
*Note the new time: 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon*
Sunday, September 17, 12 noon: Corn and Apple Lunch. Mark your calendars and plan to stay after the service for the return of this delicious autumn tradition. More details to follow in next week’s Happenings.
Good News! When it rains, water will no longer trickle into the kitchen cupboards, there will be no further need for drip buckets strategically placed in the South Wing. And when the storms blow up from the South, we will no longer have to remember to mop up the puddle behind the Book Nook couch. Most happily, the venerable tradition of church members scaling ladders with patch kits and buckets of pitch has ended. Bert Patterson reports that, after a great deal of investigation and negotiation, the work has been successfully completed to replace the South Wing roof.
Our new roof has a white reflective coating which reflects the heat of the sun rather than absorbing it. Bert notes that the south wing is cool, even in the midst of our current heat wave.
Our profound thanks to Bert, who has devoted so much time and energy and care to guiding this project to such a satisfactory finish.
Rev. Steve Gillam can be reached by phone or text at 514-235-9383 or by email at
Lakeshore Trinity United Church
98 Aurora Ave. Pointe-Claire, QC, H9R 3G7
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